
Rising Oil Prices and the Case for Energy Sovereignty
Mia Semeniuk Mia Semeniuk

Rising Oil Prices and the Case for Energy Sovereignty

For years, we have been encouraged to transition to renewable energy sources to address climate change, clean up our environment, and promote a greener future. However, the conversation has recently shifted to one of necessity…

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Cloud vs. Climate: The Impact of AI on a Sustainable Future 
Mia Semeniuk Mia Semeniuk

Cloud vs. Climate: The Impact of AI on a Sustainable Future 

When you hear about “the Cloud,” what comes to mind? It might be hard to imagine something in your brain because the word “cloud” is very abstract. The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of cloud storage or cloud computing might not be physical. Despite this potentially false image that comes to most people’s minds, the Cloud has a very physical presence.

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Decarbonizing Steel: Forging a New Road Forward
Mia Semeniuk Mia Semeniuk

Decarbonizing Steel: Forging a New Road Forward

Despite its necessity in today’s world, steel production has lasting effects on the environment that cannot be ignored. Steel production alone accounts for 8% of global emissions and makes up the largest portion of industrial emissions…

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The Roots Recap: 2023 Ivey Social Impact Club Conference
Mia Semeniuk Mia Semeniuk

The Roots Recap: 2023 Ivey Social Impact Club Conference

On Sunday, February 5th, the Ivey Social Impact Club hosted its 5th annual sustainability conference, Roots. After two years of virtual gatherings, this in-person event marked a refreshing change for attendees who were eager to connect with like-minded individuals and gain new insights from renowned sustainability specialists…

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The Impact of Thrifting
Social-Impact Club Social-Impact Club

The Impact of Thrifting

The fashion industry is responsible for over 8% of total greenhouse gases and 20% of global wastewater, with more than 85% of textiles going into landfills. To manufacture just one pair of jeans, 7,500 L of water is required, resulting in the fashion industry using 93 billion m3 of water. This volume could satisfy the water consumption needs of approximately five million people, illustrating the opportunity cost of new clothing production. With over 30% of all clothes produced never being sold, there is a clear overproduction of clothing, resulting in a significant waste of resources that could be better deployed elsewhere. One way to tackle the fashion industry’s adverse environmental impact is to make use of existing clothes and start thrifting! 

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Stakeholder vs. Shareholder Theories
Social-Impact Club Social-Impact Club

Stakeholder vs. Shareholder Theories

As issues regarding inequality and climate became more widely discussed over the past two years, many consumers paused to reflect on the companies with whom they engaged. What is their broader impact on societies? How are they addressing crucial issues our societies face? Despite the array of management theories, there has yet to be a clear definition of a company’s ultimate purpose. Two options have gained prominence: Shareholder theory and Stakeholder theory.

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Jute: A Cure to the Plastic Pandemic
Social-Impact Club Social-Impact Club

Jute: A Cure to the Plastic Pandemic

To combat the negative implications of plastic bags, Bangladeshi scientist Dr. Mubarak Ahmad Khan created the sonali bag, an environmentally sustainable alternative made from the cellulose of the plant jute. The vegetable fiber is located in South East Asia with 95% of production found in India and Bangladesh. These bags are 100% biodegradable and can decompose in as little as 6 hours.

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Opinion Piece: All Canadian Businesses Should Be Employee-Owned
Social-Impact Club Social-Impact Club

Opinion Piece: All Canadian Businesses Should Be Employee-Owned

In light of increased resignations during the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more Canadian employers are wondering what they can do to minimize employee turnover and increase worker engagement. The solution? Transitioning to an employee-owned business structure, which, on average, increases worker retention rates, improves profit margins, and allows for a smooth line of succession upon exit. 

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The Last Chance to Save the World - A COP26 Primer
Social-Impact Club Social-Impact Club

The Last Chance to Save the World - A COP26 Primer

Conference of the Parties (COP26), the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference, is a global climate action summit with over 197 nations who have agreed to combat “dangerous human interference with the climate system” to ultimately stabilize levels of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. The conference occurred recently between October 31st to November 12th, 2021.

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